American Investment Services, Inc.

Disciplined, Diversified, & Cost Effective


Apr. 2007 – Recession? Fear Not

The statistical indicators of our parent organization, the American Institute for Economic Research, suggest that while economic contraction is more probable than continued expansion, the timing of the next recession cannot be determined. Investors should assume that the capital markets are “aware” of this situation, and simply maintain their current portfolio allocations. Our model portfolios

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Jun. 2007 – SEC Oversight: Helpful, But Do Your Own Homework

The regulation of mutual funds is very much in the news. Not surprisingly, shareholders, fund managers, regulators, and, of course, politicians, are all weighing in with regard to the adequacy of current regulations. We contend that when it comes to reigning in abuses, no regulator can match the power of consumer sovereignty. Enforcement, ultimately, must

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